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Habib Umar's Video Portal

Collection of Advice on Various Topics

A collection of gems in terms of advice from Habib Umar bin Hafeez, with English translation.

#مباشر: درس في الدورة العلمية في كتاب: خلقنا - 27/6/1446 (LIVE With English Translation)

#مباشر: درس في الدورة العلمية في كتاب: خلقنا - 27/6/1446 (LIVE With English Translation)

درس من الدورة العلمية في كتاب: خُلقنا، للحبيب عمر بن حفيظ (مع الترجمة للانجليزية With English Translation) مساء يوم السبت 27 جمادى الآخرة 1446هـ الدرس الأول في كتاب "خلقنا": الدرس الثاني: الدرس الثالث: للاستماع إلى دروس شرح كتاب "خُلُقنا" للحبيب عمر بن حفيظ، ضمن فعاليات الملتقى الخامس لخريجي دار المصطفى بتريم للدراسات الإسلامية، 1439هـ ___ لمتابعة البث المباشر والجديد: يرجى الاشتراك Subscribe وتفعيل جرس التنبيه ولا تنسوا الضغط على إعجاب like 👍 ___ موقع الحبيب عمر بن حفيظ: ‌ لمتابعة صفحات التواصل الاجتماعي: يوتيوب: فيسبوك: تويتر: انستغرام: تلغرام: قناة الواتسب: #خلقنا #الأخلاق #الحبيب_عمر_بن_حفيظ #habibumarbinhafidz #habibumar #دورة_علمية #دورة #تريم #tarim #أخلاق

About The Teacher

Habib Umar bin Hafeez

27th May 1963

Habib Umar is a direct descendant of the Messenger of Allah through Imam al-Husayn. His father and his father’s father and all his forefathers were scholars and knowers of Allah. Among his blessed forefathers are Imam Ali Zayn al-Abidin as well as the first of the Prophetic Household to settle in Hadramawt, Imam Ahmad bin Isa al-Muhajir and his noble descendants, al-Faqih al-Muqaddam Muhammad bin Ali, Shaykh Abd al-Rahman al-Saqqaf and Shaykh Abu Bakr bin Salim. His full lineage is as follows.

He is al-Habib al-‘Allamah Umar bin Muhammad bin Salim bin Hafiz bin ‘Abdullah bin Abu Bakr bin ‘Aydarus bin Umar bin ‘Aydarus bin Umar bin Abu Bakr bin ‘Aydarus bin al-Husayn bin al-Shaykh al-Fakhr Abu Bakr bin Salim bin Abdullah bin Abd al-Rahman bin Abdullah bin Shaykh Abd al-Rahman al-Saqqaf bin Shaykh Muhammad Mawla al-Dawilah, bin Ali Mawla al-Darak, bin ‘Alawi al-Ghayur, bin al-Faqih al-Muqaddam Muhammad, bin Ali, bin Muhammad Sahib Mirbat, bin `Ali Khali’ Qasam, bin ‘Alawi, bin Muhammad Sahib al-Sawma’ah, bin ‘Alawi, bin ‘Ubaydullah, bin al-Imam al-Muhajir il-Allah Ahmad, bin ‘Isa, bin Muhammad al-Naqib, bin Ali al-‘Uraydi, bin Ja’far al-Sadiq, bin Muhammad al-Baqir, bin Ali Zayn al-‘Abidin, bin Husayn al-Sibt, bin Ali bin Abi Talib and Fatimah al-Zahra’, the daughter of our Master Muhammad, the Seal of the Prophets ﷺ.

The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed [of grain] which grows seven spikes; in each spike is a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies [His reward] for whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing. - (Qur'an, 2:261)
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